How much does body painting cost?
The cost of face painting will remain competitive with the average per area. NY/NJ/CT $ 200/hr, DcMdVa $125/hr
Playful Faces does not charge extra for glitter or gems. 🙂
The cost of body painting has many variables — including the amount of time, detail and materials needed for any given job. Prices may range from $75 – $1000. Our prices reflect the level of artistry and high quality of professional materials that may be used.
Please let us know if you are working with limited funds and we’ll come up with a creative solution that fits within your budget. Multiple models, agency, and package deal discounts are available.
A deposit of 30% and signed contracts are required in order to reserve your body paint session. Payments may be made via cash, credit card, money order, Square or PayPal. The remaining balance is due the day of your body paint session.